2. The Marshall: Mitchell Baker-mozilla.org
3. The Innovator: Jeff Bezos-amazon.com
4. The Searchers: Sergey Brin, Larry Page, and Eric Schmidt-google.com
5. The Investor: Jeff Clavier-softtechvc.com
6. The Papa Bear: Paul Graham-ycombinator.com
7. The Muckracker: Ariana Huffington-huffingtonpost.com
8. The Adviser: Joi Ito-joi.ito.com
9. The Mastermind: Steve Jobs-apple.com
10. The Filmer: Jonathan Kaplan-theflip.com
11. The Communicator: Loic Le Meur-Leweb3.com/seesmic.com
12. The Trader: Jack Ma-alibaba.com
13. The Publisher: Matt Mullenweg-WordPress.org
14. The Mogul: Rupert Murdoch-myspace.com
15. The Community Organizer: Craig Newmark-craigslist.com
16. The Traffic Driver: Gabe Rivera-techmeme.com
17. The Poster Boy: Kevin Rose-digg.com
18. The Adult: sheryl Sandberg-facebook.com
19. The Edutainer: Jon Stewart-thedailyshow.com
20. The Money Man: Peter Thiel-clariumcapital.com/thefoundersfund.com
21. The Crafter: Maria Thomas-etsy.com
22. The Advocate: Anssi Vanjoki-nokia.com
23. The Crowd Sourcer: Jimmy Wales-wikia-inc.com/wiki/wikipedia
24. The Blogger: Evan Williams-twitter.com
25. The Fighter: Jerry Yang-yahoo.com
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